
Cancer recovery: walk a dog grounded

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rank »ó¼÷´Þ¸²ÀÌ 2024-06-29 (Åä) 09:53 Á¶È¸ : 74 Ãßõ : 8  Ãßõ  ½Å°í

Cancer recovery: walk a dog grounded

There have been several incredibly positive studies showing

that walking is one of the best things you can do to recover

from, and prevent remission in, cancer treatment. Walking

was shown in a large medical study to significantly improves

sleep in cancer patients (no matter which type or stage of

cancer they had) and another study showed that walking

improved outcome, decreased mortality rates, and predicted

positive outcome in cancer recovery [34,35]. Those results

were so impressive that some physicians even started prescribing

adopting and walking a dog daily as a crucial part of a

cancer care plan. Walking helps reverse sleep impairment

during cancer treatment, supports better sleep during recovery,

and is so good at improving outcomes that it could be

considered front line therapy alongside conventional medical

treatment. Add grounding on to this and compound these

fantastic results with decreased pain, decreased inflammation,

deeper and more restorative sleep at night, and improved

energy and mood as well. Walk your dog and petting him or

her often (which allows you to ground through your pet) or

remove your shoes and walk barefoot with your pet daily.

Take your activities outside

By now, I hope you can see how integral a grounding practice

can be for your health no matter what your health care

treatments are, and that's why I routinely prescribe it for my

patients as a crucial part of their healing plan. So I urge you to

consider taking your health care activities outside and doing

them grounded whenever possible.

Whatever therapeutic and healing daily practices you have

that support your health, ask yourself if you can possibly do

them outside, so that you can get the double benefit of supportive

relief from the activity as well as from time spent

connected to our global electrical circuit. So many therapies

are even more powerful when done outside. For example, if

your physical therapist has a set of stretches for you to do

daily at home, do them outside. If your psychologist wants you

to do journal writing daily, do it outside. If your massage

therapist suggests hydrating more, take your glass of water

and drink it outside. If your physician wants you to get more

exercise, swim or yoga or walk grounded outside. If your

nutritionist wants you on a specific diet plan, eat it outside. If

your spiritual director suggests you meditate daily, do it

outside. If your friend wants to come over and spend time

with you, hang out outside. If your partner wants time with

you, go on a walk holding hands together outside. If your kids

want to play with you, head outside! If your boss has catch up

work for you to do on your laptop at night, take it outside.

Even though we have discussed numerous scientific

studies that support the practice of grounding, the point isn't

just to optimize your cardiovascular health, or boost your

metabolic health, or get better sleep. The whole reason we

want to optimize those things is so that you can feel vibrant

and alive and enjoy your life more. And ultimately that's what

grounding does. I've seen it over and over again, I've experienced

it personally in my own life, and I encourage you to

connect to our planet and get grounded daily so that you can

experience it too. The global electrical circuit is just outside,

waiting for you.

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