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Ŵ - iodine | 6

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[] Midnight Drive (帲ھ,Ϸ)
iodine 2024-06-28 08:58 ȸ 55 õ 4 0


Cruisin' down the empty road

Stars above us in a row

Radio on whispers low

Where we goin'

I don't know

[Verse 2]

City lights are far behind

Freedom in the open sky

Feel the breeze

It's you and I

Chasing dreams

We fly so high


Midnight drive

Let's get lost

Leave the past in the dust

Midnight drive

Just us two

Nothing else we need to do


Windows down

Hear the hum

Engine purrs

The night's begun

In this moment

Just feel

Just be

Life's a ride

Let's make it free


Midnight drive

Let's get lost

Leave the past in the dust

Midnight drive

Just us two

Nothing else we need to do

[Verse 3]

No destination

Just the feel

Every mile so unreal

Side by side

It's our deal

Underneath the starry field

32 | ü 120 | 6 | Ŵ - iodine

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🔥 HIT 10 ϰ ְ


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